Latin name: Anisoptera
Type: Insect
Diet: Herbivore
Average lifespan: only several weeks or months
Size: 38-43mm
Group name: Swarm
Like the birds and butterflies, the dragonflies of the desert come in vibrant colors. They fly; they have interesting life histories and amazing behaviors. When they emerge from their natal waters, they change from ugly aquatic nymph to beautiful, dazzling flying predators.
Dragonfly video.
What does a Dragonfly look like?
Dragonflies come not only in red, fuchsia, orange, pink, blue, gold, saffron, black, emerald, maroon, earth tones, and more, but also in metallic colors. Some have colored, spotted or banded wings; others may have clear wings but clubbed abdomens or a spike on their tail.
Where do Dragonflies live?
Dragonflies need clean water in which to breed, so treat our waterways kindly. To encourage them in your yard, a pond is perfect, and the less fish in it, the better for the Dragonfly. Native water plants are easy to include, but even ponds with ornamental plants will provide some habitat for them.
What does a Dragonfly eat?
A dragonfly eats other insects. Even baby dragonfly will catch and eat insects that get close enough to it. Adult dragonfly, if big enough, can eat tadpoles and small fish. Dragonflies eat mosquitoes, flies, bees, ants, termites, butterflies, and other small insects.
Did you know about these Dragonfly facts?
Dragonflies can seek out pure water
Reflect multiple colors with changing angles of light
Dragonflies control insect populations
Dragonfly images
Dragonfly Wallpapers
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Dragonfly Coloring pages
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